[Image: a carved artwork representing a person’s hand supporting an extended tree branch]
ASL learning: ASL direct instruction
Lifeprint.com Wonderfully clear American Sign Language (ASL) lessons are available free through this website, presented by a top notch Deaf instructor, Dr. Bill Vicars. ASL learners will also want to subscribe to this instructor’s YouTube channel: Bill Vicars. An additional learning option is available - the unique online Vicars American Sign Language University (ASLU) fee-based courses. These are non-credit classes. The Lifeprint.com website has many helpful ASL learning resources, including an ASL/English dictionary and information about ASL grammar. Example: LifePrint list of ASL classifiers
ASDC ASL classes The American Society for Deaf Children provides online classes, workshops, and webinars in American Sign Language, specifically designed for parents of deaf children, open to all.
ASL at Home! American Sign Language at Home: A Family Curriculum. An innovative, family-centered curriculum designed for families with young deaf children (birth to age three) and the professionals who support them. Free for families of deaf children. Available in English and Spanish. Learn with providers or on your own!
ASL classifiers information (What are ASL classifiers?) Descriptive features of American Sign Language, ASL classifiers, are defined and described in detail on this University of Colorado ASL interpreting program link
ASL Grammar Free Lessons Deaf instructor Federico Quintana presents ASL grammar demonstrations with strong visual clues that help learners easily pick up skills. Scroll down on the first grammar website page to find ASL lessons on 16 topics. Then explore the rest of the website to find more incredibly creative, outstanding ASL illustrations and animations! Federico Quintana is also the author of the A.S.L. Yes! curriculum textbooks.
ASL Pinnacle Our experienced instructors provide high-quality instruction for professionals, parents, family members, friends, and caregivers who want to expand their knowledge of ASL. We also offer private and group tutoring sessions for hearing students studying ASL as well as deaf/hard-of-hearing K-12 and college students. In addition to our standard course offerings, we're excited to announce that we'll be offering workshops and ASL classes for children and teenagers in the near future.
A.S.L. Yes! Curriculum textbooks for middle and high school "A.S.L. Yes !"© is a groundbreaking curriculum designed by Federico A. Quintana, M.Ed, a solo Deaf author and creator who understands the challenges of teaching and learning American Sign Language.
ASLTA - American Sign Language Teachers Association ASLTA is a national professional organization of teachers of American Sign Language (ASL), and operates under the auspices of the National Association of the Deaf (NAD). ASLTA certifies teachers of ASL, advises teaching programs, provides professional development activities on the national and chapter levels, and seeks to advance the recognition of ASL in schools and state Boards of Education.
ASL Teaching Resources: Educational sign language supported resources For teachers, homeschoolers, and parents
ASL Teaching Resources: FREE ASL information & materials For those working with children using sign language
ASL That - YouTube channel ASL lessons. ASL vocabulary. Topics in ASL and Deaf Culture. Example: Descriptive Classifiers (DCL) - American Sign Language - Sample: Descriptive classifiers - ASL That . YouTube ASL That videos and a related Facebook page are free. Here is a separate link for ASL tutoring: For information about ASL lessons
ASL with Rob YouTube channel. Rob is a Deaf certified ASL teacher who uses a “whole language” approach, showing what ASL means without connecting it directly to English translations. He calls his teaching style “Accurate ASL” and in addition to his YouTube channel, he also has a website: ASL with Rob Nielson
Garrett Bose (Deaf ASL Professor’s YouTube channel) Outstanding ASL presentations are available on the Garrett Bose YouTube channel and the website: ASLyes.com by Garrett Bose . Sample: My Personal Journey with ASL Grammar - Garrett Bose Sample: Word and Sentence Structures Sample: 3D Depiction Affix
Handspeak Handspeak.com features: ASL Sign Language Dictionary, First 100+ words, ASL to English Reverse Dictionary, Tutorials and Blog, Sign of the Day, Fingerspelling of the Day, Baby Signing of the Week, Sentence of the Week, Sign Storytelling, Trivia Questions, This Day in Deaf/Sign Language History, Native American Heritage Month, Manual Alphabet, Numbers in ASL, Written ASL Word, What is Sign Language?, Language Learning, Grammar, Deaf community and Deaf culture, Subscription, Testimonials, Website by dww.org founder Jolanta Lapiak.
myASL Dictionary myASL Dictionary contains printable sign images of thousands of words in mySign Generator's lexicon database. Search for individual words or by category (Technology, Holidays, etc.). Definitions of each word are available in English and in ASL. You can print the composite graphic, sign-only image, or concept-only image. Video clips of the signs can be viewed online. Institute for Disabilities Research and Training, Inc. Membership based services. Products available for sale.
Signing Savvy Sign Language Dictionary Signing Savvy is a sign language dictionary containing several thousand high resolution videos of American Sign Language (ASL) signs, fingerspelled words, and other common signs used within the United States and Canada. This site gives excellent search option results reflecting conceptual meanings of signs in context. Parents of deaf kids appreciate the way the ASL dictionary loops to English words.
Signing Time - Teaching Sign Language to children of all abilities & ages. Video subscriptions for American Sign Language learning products, with resources for families with infants and children as well as curriculum materials for home-schooling families and educators.
Studying American Sign Language | Accredited Schools Online Where to find ASL certificates and degree programs.
The ASL Shop Learn ASL from native Deaf signers
ASL Bloom app This app is described on its website as “The fun and easy way to learn ASL”. It stands out among sign language learning apps.
ASL Clear: Stem learning app ASL Clear is an interactive STEM learning app administered by the ASL Education Center. ASL Clear is an online ASL-centric app delivering STEM modules in ASL that include mini-presentations, vocabulary, and definitions. ASL Clear’s innovative web design makes it possible for users to navigate and search the site in ASL. All materials are created by panels of subject matter experts who are Deaf and native or heritage ASL-signers. Research and development of ASL Clear began in 2005 with funding from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
ASL Connect (Gallaudet University) Gallaudet University’s ASL Connect program has the online courses you need
to help you communicate with the diverse Deaf people around you. We offer for-credit, online ASL courses as well as in-person Summer courses. Both introductory and advanced courses are available. Check out all of the engaging and interactive features we offer when you sign up for one of our courses. These “anytime, anywhere” learning ASL opportunities allow you to engage at a distance–learning whenever and wherever you choose. Even if you are at a different school to take advantage of these extraordinary ASL courses.
ASL Core Signs for core subjects: architecture, art, biology, computer science, engineering, literature, organic chemistry, philosophy, physics, sustainability. There are many wonderful sign vocabulary resources available online and ASLCORE is happy to contribute in a unique way! The suggested signs you see in each ASLCORE branch are developed according to ASL linguistic principles by fluent Deaf ASL signers. Our goal is to provide descriptive signs which may serve to complement other initialized or English-influenced sign choices. These signs are presented for your consideration, modification, and adoption if they function well in your work as students, professionals, teachers, or interpreters! ASLCORE is a Deaf-centric project which honors and celebrates Deaf culture and American Sign Language. Our primary value is that all ASLCORE sign creations be generated by Deaf users of ASL. The content experts must be Deaf. They need not have ASL as their L1, however they must be fluent enough in sign to be able to communicate their content clearly and accurately to the translation team, and also understand the translation team questions/comments/discussion without an interpreter. The translators must be "sign masters" who possess native fluency in ASL. Each sign must be agreed upon by the team by consensus, however if an impasse does arise, there can be two versions of the sign if everyone agrees. The translation work and continual development of the website is sponsored by The National Technical Institute for the Deaf, one of nine colleges at the Rochester Institute of Technology.
ASL Education Center – ASL-Centered Services & Projects ASL-Centered Services & Projects: ASL Education Center’s team of educators, researchers, and linguists have decades of experience studying, creating, and offering innovative educational tools in American Sign Language (ASL). Our ASL-centric services and projects are designed to transform how ASL signers navigate, learn, and explore the world through ASL. We work closely with schools, organizations, and business clients to deliver high quality services. We take a human-first approach in creating rich, dynamic ASL-centric learning experiences and technologies that align with the preferences, wishes, and needs of ASL-signers from diverse backgrounds.
DeafEd Dynamics LLC DeafEd Dynamics LLC is a consulting and professional service provider offering comprehensive support in four key categories: (1) Deaf education in public schools and leadership training/consultation, (2) Community and corporate American Sign Language classes, (3) Employer support for and with Deaf employees, and (4) Public speaking engagements featuring a Deaf professional.
Trix Bruce YouTube channel (ASL & interpreting instruction and tips) Trix provides many fun and fascinating videos on her YouTube channel.
What's the Sign? Web-based subscription sign dictionary app for any device. Powerful Sign Search Engine: Type an English word, and presto, the ASL sign is on the screen! Or browse through signs by choosing from our themes.
ASL + reading: Resources to connect ASL with reading
Read with ASL YouTube channel videos These videos are designed to encourage deaf children with reading and to boost American Sign Language learners’ skills with language exposure as a supplement to direct instruction. Deaf presenters describe real-life video clips. Viewers can pick up ASL features such as how ASL classifiers are used to represent people, animals, and objects, and their positions and movements. Many Read with ASL videos show how one word has different meanings in different sentences. Watching these dual language acquisition facilitation videos helps both English language learners with their reading comprehension and ASL learners! ASL Access - a fully volunteer nonprofit organization founded in 1997 - supports the Read with ASL YouTube channel.
Read with ASL website [englishbyeye.org] This website expands on the Read with ASL YouTube channel, giving bilingual & bimodal language acquisition information, links to multiple-meaning word videos, sentences from the videos, and much more information about language acquisition. Parents of deaf/hh children’s personal experiences will soon be added.
ASL stories directory ASDC This ASL Stories Directory makes it easy for you to find hundreds of free videos of ASL retellings of your child’s or student’s favorite books. Research shows that reading and signing stories together helps promote essential literacy skills for ALL children: deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing. Use the ASL Stories Directory to quickly find stories by age or by the book’s title.
Fingerspelling Our Way to Reading Instructional Strategies to Enhance Literacy Outcomes Through Fingerspelling: We have developed an evidence based intervention called Fingerspelling Our Way to Reading, that is specifically designed for deaf and hard of hearing students from kindergarten through second grade. Fingerspelling Our Way to Reading is a literacy program that supplements a school’s literacy curriculum.
Fairvew Learning reading program The Fairview Learning reading program, designed specifically for students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, reflects years of collaboration among educators of the deaf and utilizes best practices. Fairview’s unique program provides individuals the literacy tools to construct mental, linguistic frameworks. These frameworks, specific to each user, allow access and increasing fluency in English and ASL, and ease the movement between the two languages. The program can be seamlessly integrated into any existing reading program, and is both user-friendly and fun. Fairview strategies and tools work because they maximize and appeal to the visual linguistic system. They are based on scientific neurological, reading/educational, and second language best practices research. The Fairview 5-component model can be used as a Response to Intervention (RTI) protocol or as a reading intervention program to jump-start and develop reading skills.
Fairview Trainings for teaching literacy to deaf students In order to effectively implement the Fairview Learning strategies, training is a must. During our Fairview Training we will take you through 14 modules. By the end of the training you will truly become an expert in the program and will be able to implement the program effectively with your students. We offer a couple different training options. First off is our Webinar Training. With this training, as many people as you would like are able to attend. We schedule 1 session per week. Implementation starts day 1. You will take what you learn that week and implement it with your students, that way you can come the following session and ask any questions that may have come up as you have been working with your students.
Fairview Learning product catalog (literacy materials for deaf readers) FAIRVIEW LEARNING Tools for Literacy – A New Way of Thinking www.fairviewlearning.com
Fairview Learning recommended literacy resources “Great Reading Materials recommended by Fairview Learning - The following sites offer quality support materials.”
Bedrock Literacy and Educational Services Bedrock Literacy Curriculum Manual, Bilingual Grammar Curriculum, Consulting Services, Picture This: Multiple-meaning and figurative language books
5 Creative Ways to Teach Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children to Read Karen Putz is a Deaf author with three Deaf/Hard of Hearing adult children. Her article about teaching deaf children to read has fun and practical ideas parents can use to encourage their kids with reading.
ASL Teaching Resources: Educational resources This direct link goes to information about providing Sign Club for Kids, online classes, webinars, common core related printable educational teaching resources for preschool - first grade and more.
How Do Deaf People Learn to Read? Article with guidelines for parents of deaf children to help them learn how to read. Learn to sign. Use visuals. Letter cards. Build vocabulary. Environment. Comprehension tests.
Increasing Literacy Skills with Your Deaf Infant Tips for communicating, guiding eye-gaze behaviors, and other ideas to help prepare your child for literacy skills such as reading and writing
Peter's Picture app Kids can play games as they watch Deaf presenter, Peter Cook, and guess what he’s signing and spelling!
Preschool ASL + reading + music (Auntie Di's) Lessons and learning materials related to ASL, music, and reading
Reading to Deaf Children: 15 Principles 15 principles for reading to Deaf children successfully
Reading rope The Reading Rope, created by Dr. Hollis Scarborough. The many strands that are woven into skilled reading are illustrated with an info graphic. For information about a module in context to DHH learners: Scarborough's Reading Rope module applied to deaf and hard of hearing students From The Outreach Center for Deafness & Blindness. Unlocking the Foundations of reading for learners who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing – Module 2: Essential Components of Reading
The Reading and Sign Language Channel The Reading And Sign Language channel is delighted to share a series of signed Sight Words/Multiple Meaning Words interactive videos to develop early word reading skills for Deaf students. Words appear for a moment allowing the reader to read the words. Prompts are signed telling readers: "You read" and "Your turn" and "Again."
Trix Bruce YouTube channel (ASL & interpreting instruction and tips) Many of Trix’s instructional videos demonstrate how to interpret multiple-meaning words accurately according to the concepts within a sentence. This is key to reading comprehension and can be especially helpful to English Language Learner (ELL) students who have some degree of American Sign Language fluency. Watching her videos can help develop meta-cognition skills for translating between English and ASL.
Atomic Hands (STEM YouTube channel) On this Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) YouTube video channel, ASL presentations and captioning combine to provide excellent ASL + reading dual-language experiences. Atomic Hands’ mission is to: (i) foster wonder and curiosity in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) through the production and dissemination of American Sign Language (ASL)-centric resources; (ii) empower the community to expand ASL by developing and delivering engaging STEM-related topics through creative language play; (iii) encourage collaboration and networking opportunities among current and future Deaf STEMists and the community.
Flashcards, charts and activities for baby sign language available in 5 languages from this website: icansign.com Some flashcards are available in the “Bilingual series” in the languages of Mandarin, Cantonese, Spanish, and French
My ASL Tech.com myASLTech is a unique website that contains over 20 apps and tens of thousands of ASL images and videos that enable you to rapidly customize, print, and archive your classroom materials, support text with sign graphics and video clips in real time, share creations with other myASLTech Community members, play games and read stories that reinforce ASL and English literacy.
Deaf Education perspectives
The Importance of Visual Storytelling for Deaf Children: From an 8th Generation Deaf Individual This video by Cobi Sewell strongly encourages using sign language with deaf children from birth onward. He also explains the importance of reading to deaf children with sign language from birth. He explains why this is necessary for their development and educational success.
The Butterfly Cage Rachel Zemach, who is Deaf, describes her experiences as a teacher in Deaf Education programs. In her memoir, she shares her journey and gives her perspectives on Deaf Education. This book deserves to become a textbook in Deaf Education programs.
SPED vs ESOL This comparison chart shows how principles and approaches used in the field of teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) could enhance Deaf Education. ESOL instruction focuses on ways to teach English to students who have another first language. This chart suggests viewpoints and practices that could adapt a “Special Education” model to one with an ESOL perspective.
Deaf Students as a Linguistic and Cultural Minority: Shifting Perspectives and Implications for Teaching and Learning MICHAEL HIGGINS, former classroom teacher and current PhD student at Boston University, and AMY M. LIEBERMAN, associate professor at Boston University. Published in the Journal of Education. This article suggests a shift in perspective for Deaf Education, from one of “Special Education” to one of “Deaf Students as a Linguistic and Cultural Minority”
Deaf Education K-12
The Butterfly Cage Rachel Zemach, who is Deaf, describes her experiences as a teacher in Deaf Education programs. In her memoir, she shares her journey and gives her perspectives on Deaf Education. This book deserves to become a textbook in Deaf Education programs.
Deaf Education schools info by state Click on a state to discover information about schools with DHH programs
DeafEd Dynamics LLC DeafEd Dynamics LLC is a consulting and professional service provider offering comprehensive support in four key categories: (1) Deaf education in public schools and leadership training/consultation, (2) Community and corporate American Sign Language classes, (3) Employer support for and with Deaf employees, and (4) Public speaking engagements featuring a Deaf professional.
Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center - Gallaudet University "Working for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children Throughout the United States."
Model Secondary School for the Deaf Mission statement: The Clerc Center, a federally funded national deaf education center, ensures that the diverse population of deaf and hard of hearing students (birth through age 21) in the nation are educated and empowered and have the linguistic competence to maximize their potential as productive and contributing members of society. This is accomplished through early access to and acquisition of language, excellence in teaching, family involvement, research, identification and implementation of best practices, collaboration, and information sharing among schools and programs across the nation.
ASL stories for children, educational materials, games
ASL Read Alouds - stories with ASL Video Read Alouds for Kids in American Sign Language - The Indianapolis Public Library
ASL Stories Directory by ASDC ASL stories listed by title, ASL stories by age, ASL stories by holiday, ASL storytelling coloring pages, and more
ASL Storytime with Sameen - YouTube My name is Sameen. I'm deaf. I will post my ASL story times.
ASL Teaching Resources: Stories Books/Storytelling videos read aloud in American Sign Language and English
myASLTech: Educational materials, games, stories myASLTech is a unique suite of assistive technology tools that enable users to: Efficiently create and archive ASL-supported educational materials and quizzes, Support text with sign graphics and video in real time, Build and share creations with other myASLTech Community members, Play games and view stories that reinforce ASL and English literacy. Institute for Disabilities Research and Training, Inc. Membership based services. Products available for sale.
Penny - ASL Educational Videos | Penny (signwithpenny.com) Educational videos designed for young Deaf children. Presented in ASL with voiceovers. YouTube channel and website
Preschool ASL + reading + music (Auntie Di's) Lessons and learning materials related to ASL, music, and reading
The Artivist (children’s book translated in ASL) The ASL translation of this book is excellent. (no captions, no voiceover) https://youtu.be/5Xnl6haUXMw?si=xQwugTrMK3H8Gja1
Reading comprehension resources
Simple English Wikipedia Simple English Wikipedia provides reading material on many topics using Simplified English. Simplified English is a set of approved words and writing rules. Its makers made it to help engineers write manuals (instruction books) so that people all over the world can read them.
Read with ASL YouTube channel videos These videos are designed to encourage deaf children and others with reading and to boost American Sign Language learners’ skills with language exposure as a supplement to direct instruction. Deaf presenters describe real-life video clips. Many Read with ASL videos show how one word has different meanings in different sentences. Watching these dual language acquisition facilitation videos helps both English language learners with their reading comprehension!
ASL stories directory ASDC This ASL Stories Directory makes it easy for you to find hundreds of free videos of ASL retellings of your child’s or student’s favorite books. Research shows that reading and signing stories together helps promote essential literacy skills for ALL children: deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing. Use the ASL Stories Directory to quickly find stories by age or by the book’s title.
Reading tutoring with ASL: Online one-on-one individualized tutoring in reading comprehension, using ASL to communicate. This is NOT ASL tutoring; it is English/Reading Comprehension tutoring. Deaf/HH students need to know some ASL to fully communicate with the instructor. The instructor is a hearing person, fluent in ASL, with over 40 years of teaching experience, of which the last 14 years has been working one-on-one with Deaf adults. Instructor: Chris Wixtrom, M.S. Education: TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages), Producer, Read with ASL YouTube channel (and websites: englishbyeye.org and aslaccess.org), 1997 Founder, ASL Access, volunteer-based nonprofit organization. Reading levels from elementary to university. Focus is on reading comprehension skills and vocabulary growth. Skype platform preferred. Adults may qualify to get tutoring through a state’s Vocational Rehabilitation agency, or through a workplace. For more information, contact: chrisgivesclarity@gmail.com
English writing resources
eAngel Me Fix text grammar with eAngel.me This tool corrects your English (or other written language) quickly and easily with live editors, proofreading gmail, correcting documents, and more. Free trial of up to 5 texts or 300 words. “A proofreading service that provides accurate editing by real professionals with a rapid turnaround. Affordable due to the fact that charges are worked out according to number of mistakes and at very low rates.” “Our pricing model adapts to your needs. If your writing skills are at a high level and you only require minor corrections, you will pay less than a user whose writing requires a large number of corrections.” (Plans available from $5/month-$34/month or with higher and still fair rates as needed for specific material) Link: https://eangel.me/online-proofreading
ASL Math Tutor Videos
Khan Academy Algebra Basics in ASL Learning at Khan Academy is always free! All of Khan Academy’s library of trusted, standards-aligned videos, articles, practice questions, and lessons are completely free for anyone who wants to use them. We do not require contracts, have no spam, and no ads. Instead, the organization is supported by the generosity of individuals and grants. This way, you can focus on learning.
Khan Academy American Sign Language Math Tutor Video Playlist (275 videos) Learning at Khan Academy is always free! All of Khan Academy’s library of trusted, standards-aligned videos, articles, practice questions, and lessons are completely free for anyone who wants to use them. We do not require contracts, have no spam, and no ads. Instead, the organization is supported by the generosity of individuals and grants. This way, you can focus on learning.
Families with deaf/Deaf children
Guide for parents of deaf children (free) The Language First Parent Guide is a 46-page document packed with information and resources to help guide parents of Deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) children on their journey. The guide is intended to provide evidence-based information to help parents best be able to support their DHH child.
ASDC American Society for Deaf Children - Resources for families of deaf children - ASDC is a nonprofit parent-helping-parent organization promoting positive views of sign languages and Deaf Culture. ASDC provides support, classes, events, information and resources.
ASL stories directory ASDC This ASL Stories Directory makes it easy for you to find hundreds of free videos of ASL retellings of your child’s or student’s favorite books. Research shows that reading and signing stories together helps promote essential literacy skills for ALL children: deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing. Use the ASL Stories Directory to quickly find stories by age or by the book’s title.
ASDC American Society for Deaf Children YouTube channel Features ASL stories, ASL instruction, information about ASL courses, and more
ASL families help deaf kids learn ASL: Boston University study “We found that hearing parents can learn ASL alongside their deaf children, and don’t need to become “native” signers for their children to successfully learn ASL vocabulary.”
Is it really necessary for me to read aloud to my deaf child? Dr. Leala Holcomb, an expert in Deaf education and literacy, says that reading aloud together is a superpower in developing your child's literacy skills. You are showing your child that sharing stories, perspectives, and information is both joyful and meaningful. Read alouds also help your child strengthen their understanding of vocabulary, grammar, and story elements. Bring the books to life as you read, and don't forget to pause and talk about the book as you go. (Presented by Dr. Leala Holcomb, interpreted by Dr. Hannah Dostal)
The Importance of Visual Storytelling for Deaf Children: From an 8th Generation Deaf Individual This video by Cobi Sewell strongly encourages using sign language with deaf children from birth onward. He also explains the importance of reading to deaf children with sign language from birth. He explains why this is necessary for their development and educational success.
ASL Nook | Where you get hooked on ASL! An online hub of videos where a Deaf family teaches ASL
ASL Teaching Resources: Informational blogs This link goes to Blogs which are excellent, informative resources with often hidden gems of free ideas and ASL resources for those with children or students who use sign language, including learners with autism.
Born deaf to hearing parents: Why I sign - ASL Professor Garret Bose tells why he signs and the value of ASL for families with deaf children
Deaf Mentor Program for Virginia families with deaf/hh children: VA Deaf Mentor Program The Virginia Deaf Mentor program provides Virginia families with weekly meetings with professional Deaf Mentors who help families learn ASL and visual communication, offer opportunities to attend Deaf events and explore Deaf Culture, empower parents to self-advocate and advocate for their child, and create a positive and supportive environment for your journey of raising a child identified with hearing loss. For more information about the Deaf Mentor Program, email: info@vddhh.virginia.gov or phone: 804-325-1290.
Deaf Mentor Training The Deaf Mentor Program is an evidence-based, family-centered and proven educational program created and evaluated through support from the US Office of Special Education Programs. The original program was developed in 1991-1993, and has recently been revised to meet current needs of families who have deaf children. Three-day trainings available for Deaf trainees.
English learning through ASL Free videos help English learners and ASL learners: Read with ASL YouTube videos
Facebook groups of interest to families with deaf children: American Society for Deaf Children (ASDC) (Email: info@deafchildren.org Website: deafchildren.org), ASL at Home Community Group , ASL/Deaf Culture – Parents of Northern Virginia, DHH Preschool Learning at Home, For Hearing Parents Only: Why didn’t I sign?, Hands & Voices, Homeschooling Parents of Deaf/HoH Kids, Loudoun’s Bilingual ASL Families, Parents of Deaf/Hard of hearing kids who use spoken English and ASL, Parents of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children, Parents of Deaf Children SUPPORT, Parents of Deaf Kids: Sign Language, Community, Culture, Parents of Deaf/HOH Children, Signing with My Child, Texas Association of Parents and Educators of the Deaf
Hands & Voices Hands & Voices is a parent-driven organization that supports families with children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing without a bias around communication modes or methodology.
Language First resources for Parents and Caretakers of DHH Children Resources include common ASL phrases, Deaf and HOH Commissions by state, educational interpreter standards, interpreter EIPA scores, finding Deaf mentors, ASL lessons, handouts, books with DHH characters, wordless books, and more.
LEAD-K Family Services LEAD-K Family Services is the recipient of the 4 year federal grant starting in 2020 by Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA-20-047). We now function as the current Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) in California. Our centralized services focus on connecting families with their local school district, Early Start home visit teachers, parent mentors, Deaf coaches and other supports as outlined in an Individualized Family Support Plan. We also work with the Department of Education, Department of Developmental Services, and the Department of Social Services to ensure your family is receiving all needed services.
Military families with deaf and hard of hearing children: The Promise Act Protecting the Rights of Military Children in Special Education through elevating the voices of military family members to educate and advise military service organizations, Department of Defense and public officials. All children receiving special education are entitled to a free appropriate public education. The data shows there are systemic problems with special education for military families across the US and the trend is many school systems are not providing the required standards of education. We founded the non-profit Partners in P.R.O.M.I.S.E. in February 2020 to elevate the concerns of military special education students and their families to ensure they have the same access to an education as civilian students.
Parent Connection: For parents/guardians with young deaf children to connect and chat Deaf kids and parents: Parent Connection: A place for parents/guardians with young deaf children to connect and chat
Sign language acquisition info packet for families and schools This helpful resource shows up-to-date research on sign language acquisition and how this influences progress in school
Silent Voice Silent Voice serves Deaf adults, youth, children, and their families in an American Sign Language (ASL) environment. We are dedicated to improving communication and relationships between Deaf and hearing family members and Deaf and hearing members of the community. Silent Voice is an agency grounded in Catholic values offering services to the whole community. We value and respect the dignity and worth of all people.
VALIDEAF: “Visual access for linguistic inclusion, development, empowerment, advocacy, and freedom" Striving to end language deprivation for deaf children
When Sam Found Language An article about a child awakening to language. Written by Kimberly Sanzo
WhyIsign Encourages people to share their narratives about why they sign and how they connect with communities. Example: Deaf original ASL storyteller Dack Virnig's #WHYISIGN Tells his feelings about ASL
ASL & Deaf-related resources
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services (West Michigan) This organization provides broad services in West Michigan, including ASL classes, educational resources, and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion training.
Fire Safety ASL ASL Disaster Resource Hub | American Red Cross videos in ASL
Signs of Fun Resources Find all kinds ASL & Deaf-related resources here! Easy-to-use website with picture navigation linking to resources available nationally and state-by-state. Just click on the pictures!
ASL Education Center – ASL-Centered Services & Projects ASL-Centered Services & Projects: ASL Education Center’s team of educators, researchers, and linguists have decades of experience studying, creating, and offering innovative educational tools in American Sign Language (ASL). Our ASL-centric services and projects are designed to transform how ASL signers navigate, learn, and explore the world through ASL. We work closely with schools, organizations, and business clients to deliver high quality services. We take a human-first approach in creating rich, dynamic ASL-centric learning experiences and technologies that align with the preferences, wishes, and needs of ASL-signers from diverse backgrounds.
DeafEd Dynamics LLC DeafEd Dynamics LLC is a consulting and professional service provider offering comprehensive support in four key categories: (1) Deaf education in public schools and leadership training/consultation, (2) Community and corporate American Sign Language classes, (3) Employer support for and with Deaf employees, and (4) Public speaking engagements featuring a Deaf professional.
My ASL Tech.com myASLTech is a unique website for teachers that contains over 20 apps and tens of thousands of ASL images and videos that enable you to rapidly customize, print, and archive your classroom materials, support text with sign graphics and video clips in real time, share creations with other myASLTech Community members, play games and read stories that reinforce ASL and English literacy
ASL original content: stories, poetic ASL, Visual Vernacular, comedic sketches, and more
DackTube Entertainment Dack Virnig's ASL depictive work is imaginative and brilliant.
OIC Movies for ASL Study Over 2000 videos with native Deaf signers! A place for ideas, practice, and connecting with people who love American Sign Language. A community of ASL users. Captions available with membership.
Sandro Hatibovic Comedian, Consistent reels creator - Sandro Hatibovic’s comedy content on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and in live events shares insights, experiences, and humor related to being Deaf. His comedic sketches help raise awareness about the Deaf experience.
Savvy ASL ASL videos on a variety of topics
Signplaying (thinkific.com) Signplaying offers online courses where you can learn how to create ASL poetry & Visual Vernacular, and how to translate English songs and poems into sign language. You can also meet with Eric on Zoom through the Signplaying ASL consulting service. You can enroll in those courses at any time. Those courses are self-paced, so you're not required to interact with the instructor or other students (but you can if you want to). Those courses will be offered starting now until March 1, 2026. These courses are for anyone who is interested in creative signing — ranging from intermediate-level ASL students all the way to professional signing artists. And, yes, CEUs are provided for you RID-certified ASL interpreters (for those five courses listed above)! There is also a YouTube channel: (9) Signplaying - YouTube
ASL interpreted movie content Sign Up for Netflix and Disney Plus Chrome provides free ASL interpreting
ASL language assessments
ASL Language Assessment list Provided on the Language First website (language1st.org)
American Sign Language Assessment (ASLA) The ASL Education Center is the sole source provider of ASLA (American Sign Language Assessment), a computer-based standardized language arts assessment of 10 domains of ASL vocabulary and grammar designed for PreK-12 students aged 4 - 21. Test-takers easily log in, independently view ASL instructions, and respond to multiple-choice test items. ASLA has also been used in research with adult participants. ASLA scores are shown to be valid and reliable, and test results can be compared across schools, districts, and states from year to year.
Businesses - Deaf owned
An ASL curriculum: truewayasl.com TRUE+WAY American Sign Language was designed by a group of Deaf ASL Teachers with a combined 70+ years of experience in the classroom. The result is an ASL curriculum designed to support teachers and students in an increasingly virtual world that still values human interaction. Our students learn how to use ASL to communicate in real-world conversations and situations that are likely to occur in our daily lives.
ASL Education Center – ASL-Centered Services & Projects ASL-Centered Services & Projects: ASL Education Center’s team of educators, researchers, and linguists have decades of experience studying, creating, and offering innovative educational tools in American Sign Language (ASL). Our ASL-centric services and projects are designed to transform how ASL signers navigate, learn, and explore the world through ASL. We work closely with schools, organizations, and business clients to deliver high quality services. We take a human-first approach in creating rich, dynamic ASL-centric learning experiences and technologies that align with the preferences, wishes, and needs of ASL-signers from diverse backgrounds.
DeafEd Dynamics LLC gDeafEd Dynamics LLC is a consulting and professional service provider offering comprehensive support in four key categories: (1) Deaf education in public schools and leadership training/consultation, (2) Community and corporate American Sign Language classes, (3) Employer support for and with Deaf employees, and (4) Public speaking engagements featuring a Deaf professional.
Deaf MainStreet Our goal: Assist 1,000 Deaf, hard-of-hearing, and DeafBlind-owned businesses with earning an extra $1000/month, resulting in $12,000,000 new dollars coming into the Deaf Ecosystem annually
Deaf wood art with ASL https://deafroot.com/ We believe in capturing the beauty of authentic sign Language, American Sign Language and the Deaf experience through wood art. Deafroot is a deaf-owned and deaf-employed business. Deafroot.com is Deaf-owned, Deaf-run and we live, breathe and value ASL.
Cities that are Deaf Friendly
Twenty Deaf-Friendly Cities United States cities with Deaf-Friendly qualities - a chart
CODA resources
CODA Children of Deaf Adults CODA is an organization promoting family awareness and individual growth in hearing children of Deaf adults.
CODA Connections Inc CODA Connections unites Deaf families and children to critically needed resources to help all thrive and achieve their greatest potential. In addition to financial and resource support, the organization provides educational workshops, mentorship, advocacy, workforce development, peer group engagement and interpreting services. CODA Connections functions as a holistic resource for Deaf families, administering programs and services to help bridge the communication divide between the Deaf and hearing worlds.
College and University resources for Deaf students
California State University, Northridge Program description: The primary objectives of the Deaf Studies major program are: (1) to convey basic knowledge and understanding about the language and culture of Deaf people, including their history and social experiences and (2) to prepare students for advanced degree programs and/or professional careers working with Deaf people. CSUN is proud to be one of the few mainstream institutions in the nation that offers a comprehensive undergraduate program in the area of Deaf Studies and has long been acknowledged as a leader in providing quality education in a variety of deaf-related fields. In addition, CSUN provides Deaf Studies majors with a variety of other unique opportunities, including membership in student organizations, interaction with more than 200 Deaf/Hard of Hearing students who attend the University, the most extensive collection of resource materials related to deafness in the western United States, participation in a variety of campus/community events, including Deafestivals and ASL/Deaf Theatre productions, and on-the-job training while earning University credit.
College Advice for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students The Center for School, College, and Career Resources provides college advice for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students.
College online courses and scholarships According to the National Deaf Center of Postsecondary Outcomes, deaf and hard of hearing students are more likely to take online courses. Our guide helps deaf and hard of hearing students learn about online accommodations colleges offer to comply with the American Disabilities Act, popular listening devices and applications, and scholarships.
Gallaudet University The world's only four-year liberal arts university for students who are deaf or hard of hearing. Established in 1864 by an act of Congress, Gallaudet offers more than 50 undergraduate and graduate degree programs and numerous continuing education and summer courses. The University disseminates information through such units as the Gallaudet Bookstore, Gallaudet University Press, Gallaudet Research Institute, Pre-College National Missions Progams, College for Continuing Education, and the National Information Center on Deafness.
NTID National Technical Institute for the Deaf Provides technological post-secondary education to Deaf and hard of hearing students. Disseminates informational materials and instructional videos on issues related to Deaf people and Deaf Culture.
Online Guide for Deaf and Hard of Hearing College Students College planning for Deaf & Hard of Hearing students: Start—and complete—your degree with a little extra help from cutting-edge technology and simple classroom modifications, and learn how online college courses can even the playing field.
Supporting Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students A resource link from the Center for School, College, and Career Resources
Cued Language resources (Cued Speech is a visual coding system for spoken languages. Resources listed encourage use of both Cued Speech and American Sign Language.)
Using Cued Language in an English/ASL Bilingual Program for Deaf Children NCSA webinar "Using Cued Language in an English/ASL Bilingual Program for Deaf Children" is now available to watch online. This is an opportunity to learn about this inventive approach to bilingual education for deaf children. Gain valuable insights into how Cued Language can be used to improve literacy and communication skills in deaf children. Our presenter, Angela Kuhn, Principal of the Illinois School for the Deaf, will share knowledge and experience on this important topic, providing practical strategies that can be implemented in educational settings. So, whether you're a parent, educator, or simply interested in improving bilingual education for deaf children, we encourage you to watch.
CueNSign - YouTube Derick “DJ” and I love to share our Cued Speech and ASL videos with you guys! We really want to give our people the opportunity to learn.
CueSign Inc The mission of CueSign, Inc. is to provide knowledge and information to various stakeholders that promotes the development of academics and communication for each deaf or hard of hearing child to his/her maximum potential in both American Sign Language and English.
DeafBlind - Resources for DeafBlind individuals
DeafBlind children in Virginia The Virginia Project for Children and Young Adults with Deaf-Blindness (VDBP) provides services and resources.
DeafBlind communication device: Haptibraille The Haptibraille Communicator device protects the interests and rights of deafblind people in personal and confidential matters. For example, when communicating with a doctor (Confidentiality of certain medical records), in a bank (Bank Secrecy Act), with a lawyer (Attorney client privilege). In the past, communication with the deafblind was possible only with a presence of a third party, a special translator who knows a sign language. This is the world's first personal device for people with simultaneous visual, hearing and speech impairments (totally deafblind people), which allows them to speak in a synthesized voice and to “hear” the interlocutor's speech.
DeafBlind DeTox Addiction recovery Substance abuse addiction recovery for DeafBlind individuals
Education and school district resources
ASL Education Center – ASL-Centered Services & Projects ASL-Centered Services & Projects: ASL Education Center’s team of educators, researchers, and linguists have decades of experience studying, creating, and offering innovative educational tools in American Sign Language (ASL). Our ASL-centric services and projects are designed to transform how ASL signers navigate, learn, and explore the world through ASL. We work closely with schools, organizations, and business clients to deliver high quality services. We take a human-first approach in creating rich, dynamic ASL-centric learning experiences and technologies that align with the preferences, wishes, and needs of ASL-signers from diverse backgrounds.
DeafEd Dynamics LLC DeafEd Dynamics LLC is a consulting and professional service provider offering comprehensive support in four key categories: (1) Deaf education in public schools and leadership training/consultation, (2) Community and corporate American Sign Language classes, (3) Employer support for and with Deaf employees, and (4) Public speaking engagements featuring a Deaf professional.
Language First Resources for Schools and School Districts “Language First serves as a resource for schools and school districts by offering professional development presentations, consult services, and independent evaluations. Fill out a professional development, consult, or evaluation inquiry form” on the website.
ASL Teaching Resources: Schools and School Districts Offers educational resources for schools and districts, professional development, webinars, Sign Club for Kids, online ASL courses and more
Fairview Trainings for teaching literacy to deaf students The Fairview Learning reading program, designed specifically for students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, reflects years of collaboration among educators of the deaf and utilizes best practices. Fairview’s unique program provides individuals the literacy tools to construct mental, linguistic frameworks. In order to effectively implement the Fairview Learning strategies, training is a must. During our Fairview Training we will take you through 14 modules. By the end of the training you will truly become an expert in the program and will be able to implement the program effectively with your students. We offer a couple different training options. First off is our Webinar Training. With this training, as many people as you would like are able to attend. We schedule 1 session per week. Implementation starts day 1. You will take what you learn that week and implement it with your students, that way you can come the following session and ask any questions that may have come up as you have been working with your students.
Fairview Learning product catalog (literacy materials for deaf readers) FAIRVIEW LEARNING Tools for Literacy – A New Way of Thinking www.fairviewlearning.com
English learning resources presented with ASL (Help learning English & ASL - two separate languages)
English learning resource with ASL These free videos help people learn English/reading and also ASL as Deaf presenters describe real-life scenes in ASL. Voice-overs and transcripts provided. Focus is on multiple-meaning words - one word with many meanings! Read with ASL YouTube channel
Health resources re: Deaf persons (physical health and mental help including suicide crisis 988 video calls)
Suicide crisis services 988 (video phone) article with information about how Deaf and HOH can call 988 by video phone for ASL help
Abused Deaf Women's Advocacy Services (ADWAS) Resources including ASL video on domestic violence in the deaf community.
Addiction Recovery in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Communities Substance abuse in the deaf community is rarely highlighted in mainstream discussions about addiction, despite the unique risk factors faced. Here, you’ll find information about substance abuse and treatment options in deaf and hard-of-hearing communities.
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Drug Rehab Facilities (drugrehabus.org) Deaf individuals experience the same mental health concerns as hearing individuals. Deaf people can have a hard time finding equitable access to mental health services. We have created a directory that will aid the Deaf community with treatment centers that deal with mental health and addiction.
DeafBlind DeTox Addiction Recovery Substance abuse addiction recovery for Deaf-Blind individuals
Medicare Coverage for People with Disabilities This website provides information about Medicare coverage for people with disabilities, including people who are under age 65.
Suicide crisis services 988 (video phone) Suicide crisis services in ASL (Call 988 from video phone) Article with information about these services
Job help for people with disabilities
Excel Easy Excel Easy offers a fully illustrated Excel tutorial + 300 examples. It's 100% free. Microsoft Excel is an important skill in many jobs.
DARS Vocational Rehabilitation (VA) In Virginia, this government agency helps persons with disabilities and deaf individuals train for jobs and get jobs. Anyone can refer you to DARS. Anyone can contact the agency to ask for help with jobs.
Job assistance guide for people with disabilities
Applying for a job with a disability or impairment
Resume and Employment Guide for People with Disabilities
Library resources
Alice Hagemeyer - Founder of Deaf Culture Digital Library Alice Hagemeyer is featured in this article about the Riderwood Deaf Community. Alice worked at the DC Public Library for 34 years, where she served as Librarian for the Deaf. She has been an outstanding library advocate. She created the concept for and advocated for the Deaf Culture Digital Library, along with Alec C. McFarlane. Deaf Culture Digital Libraries are currently represented in Maryland and Virginia, and will hopefully one day be adopted nationwide. Alice Hagemeyer (wikipedia information)
ALA resolution concerning the creation of the Deaf Culture Digital Library The American Library Association passed this resolution in 2016: [… Whereas the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS) provides specialized services and provides professionals who collect and disseminate materials and resources specific and relative to blindness; and Whereas no such equivalent exists for the larger deaf community, now, therefore be it Resolved, that the American Library Association (ALA), on behalf of its members: 1. supports and promotes the creation of the Deaf Culture Digital Library under the auspices of the Library of Congress. … ]
Inclusive Deaf Community Engagement at Your Library An interview with Alice Hagemeyer, Alcia Deal, and Alec C. McFarlane, featured in an article presented by the ALA Public Programs Office
Maryland Deaf Culture Digital Library All customers shall have equitable access to deaf culture information through the Deaf Culture Digital Library (DCDL) in a centralized medium in the State of Maryland. The Maryland General Assembly passed the bill to create the Deaf Culture Digital Library. The Deaf Culture Digital Library Bill (HB 653) was signed into law by former Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley.
Virginia Deaf Culture Digital Library The Library of Virginia is pleased to present Virginia’s Deaf Culture Digital Library, deaflibva.org, a website with resources and information for the commonwealth’s Deaf community. A collaboration between the Central Rappahannock Regional Library and the Library of Virginia, the Deaf Culture Digital Library was established in 2021 after a two-year review and development process that included interviews with Deaf community members and research into Virginia resources for the Deaf. About the launch of the Virginia Deaf Culture Digital Library
National resources re: Deaf and HOH
NAD National Association of the Deaf The nation's largest organization safeguarding the accessibility and civil rights of 28 million deaf and hard of hearing Americans in education, employment, health care, and telecommunications. Focuses on grassroots advocacy and empowerment, captioned media, deafness-related information and publications, legal assistance, policy development and research, public awareness, and youth leadership development.
National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes Our products and services are deaf-centered, evidence-based, and developed in response to community needs. We offer online courses, online gaming tools for youth, data reports, research summaries, evidence-based resources, webinars, and more. We also provide individualized consultation, training, and resources that help community members, organizations, and schools improve outcomes for deaf people in continuing education and training.
Performers (ASL)
Cassie Simmons ASL comedy YouTube channel Cassie Simmons is a wonderful ASL storyteller!
NTD National Theatre of the Deaf Concentrates on artistic and theatrical professional development of deaf actors. Tours the United States and abroad. Also presents Little Theatre of the Deaf productions in schools, theaters, museums, and libraries. Sponsors a professional school and Deaf Theatre Conference for deaf individuals
Sandro Hatibovic Comedian, Consistent reels creator - Sandro Hatibovic’s comedy content on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and in live events shares insights, experiences, and humor related to being Deaf. His comedic sketches help raise awareness about the Deaf experience.
Trix Bruce Trix Bruce is an extraordinary ASL performer and educational trainer providing professional development seminars for ASL interpreters, as an approved RID sponsor for CEUs.
Professional resources re: Deaf and HOH Children
Language First Resources for Professionals Working with DHH Children “Language First is here to help any and all professionals in deaf education— speech-language pathologists, teachers of the deaf, educational interpreters, audiologists, ASL specialists, and psychologists.” Resources include: Articles, assessments, consult, Facebook group, Guiding Principles, Intervention, job listings, learning ASL, membership, and resources such as handouts and infographics related to evidence-based practice when working with DHH children
Sign Language Interpreting
RID Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc. A professional organization that certifies interpreters, provides information on interpreting to the general public, publishes a national directory of certified interpreters, and makes referrals to interpreter agencies.
Sign Language Interpreter training and professional development
Trix Bruce Trix Bruce is an extraordinary ASL performer and educational trainer providing professional development seminars for ASL interpreters, as an approved RID sponsor for CEUs.
Sign Writing
The Sign Writing Site Sign writing is a way to read, write and type the movements of signed languages. The SignWriting Web Site is a reference library for written Sign Language Literature and free SignWriting Lessons Online. The online library of Sign Language Literature includes both fiction and non-fiction, written by Deaf native signers, in American Sign Language, Nicaraguan Sign Language, and Brazilian Sign Language.
Social Security Benefits
Guide to Social Security Disability Benefits
Summer Camp for Deaf Campers
Signs of Fun Summer Camp for Deaf Kids and their siblings! Signs of Fun offers enriching day camps in Virginia and Hawaii. Deaf, hard of hearing children, and their siblings, ages 3 to 18 years old, are welcome to join the fun! Campers will have the opportunity to go swimming, fishing, and many more fun experiences with old and new friends. They will also enjoy hands-on art, games, and sports. Our day camp is rich with experiences that encourage and promote communication. We hope you choose to come and play with us this summer!
Telecommunication Accessibility
ASL Friends Welcome to ASL Friends! We are a non-profit organization dedicated to making "Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood" accessible through American Sign Language (ASL).
Shaping An Accessible World - TDI (tdiforaccess.org) A nonprofit consumer advocacy organization promoting full visual access to entertainment, information, and telecommunications for people who are deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind, and speech impaired. Conducts consumer education and involvement, technical assistance and consulting, application of existing and emerging technologies, networking and collaborations, uniformity of standards, national policy development, and advocacy.
Training: ASL-centric (for teachers, interpreters, students, organizations, corporations)
ASL Education Center training services We offer great training options to teachers, interpreters, students, organizations, and corporations. Our participants leave with shifted perspectives, a fresh take on professional practice, and new skills. Our Course and Training topics include STEM in ASL, Early Childhood, Language Acquisition, Workforce/Employment, ASL Assessment & Applications, Activism within the Deaf Community
DeafEd Dynamics LLC DeafEd Dynamics LLC is a consulting and professional service provider offering comprehensive support in four key categories: (1) Deaf education in public schools and leadership training/consultation, (2) Community and corporate American Sign Language classes, (3) Employer support for and with Deaf employees, and (4) Public speaking engagements featuring a Deaf professional.
Cicada Sign Cicada Sign is an inclusive eLearning platform offering online courses and resources in American Sign Language (ASL) tailored to Deaf learners. Our mission is to empower the Deaf community through education, with a focus on digital skills and freelancing opportunities. We aim to equip prospective freelancers with the knowledge and skills to confidently launch their careers, grow their client base, or expand their portfolios. Cicada Sign aims to create the first ASL e-learning courses focused on building a Deaf freelancing community.
ASL Access nonprofit organization
Interview with Chris Wixtrom - Founder of ASL Access
An Interview with Chris Wixtrom, Founder of ASL Access - Cicada Sign